
Tools for Writing Papers

This is my toolchain when I start to write a paper. You can follow the guidelines below to improve your productivity.

Toolchain to write papers

How to revise the paper

How to organize the files

\usepackage[small, compact]{titlesec}

\usepackage[subtle, lists=tight]{savetrees} % Reduce the space between words and letters.

\widowpenalty=0  % Do not penalize widow and orphan lines
\clubpenalty=0   % Allow the end of a paragraph to overflow to the next page
\brokenpenalty=0 % Allow the beginning of a paragraph to begin from the prev page



\setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{0.3em plus 0.2em minus 0.2em}
\setlength{\floatsep}{0.3em plus 0.2em minus 0.2em}
\setlength{\textfloatsep}{0.5em plus 0.2em minus 0.2em}
\setlength{\intextsep}{0.5em plus 0.2em minus 0.2em}
\setlength{\dbltextfloatsep}{0.5em plus 0.2em minus 0.2em}
\setlength{\dblfloatsep}{0.3em plus 0.2em minus 0.2em}



How to make plots

    margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0),

How to make illustrations

How to write the paper without the Internet?